Cart Par Location Conversion (IC840)

Run Cart Par Location Conversion (IC840) to import the cart/par location CSV conversion file.

Processing effect

For UNIX/Windows platforms: The process will take the input CSV file and edit it as if it were going through the IC81 edit form in Inventory Control before then updating the following tables: RQLOC, ICLOCATION, BINGROUP, ITEMLOC, ICBIN, and BINGRPDTL.

ICCATEGORY, ICLOCATION, ITEMMAST are tables that will need to be populated with data prior to running the conversion job. The GL and AP applications also need to be set up.

ITEMLOC must exist for replenishment locations. If the ITEMLOC record exists for the location already the record will be updated with information from the input CSV file no matter what.

As discussed, the ICLOCATION conversion will include the cart and par locations which will than allow the GL category conversion to execute properly and this conversion job will just update the ICLOCATION.

For IBM i platform: The process will take the input CSV file and edit it as if it were going through the IC81 edit form in Inventory Control before then updating the following tables: DBRQRQL, DBICICL, DBICBGR, DBICITL, DBICICB, and DBICBGD.

DBICICA, DBICICL, DBICITE are tables that will need to be populated with data prior to running the conversion job. The GL and AP applications also need to be set up.

DBICITL must exist for replenishment locations. If the DBICITL record exists for the location already the record will be updated with information from the input CSV file no matter what.

As discussed, the DBICICL conversion will include the cart and par locations which will than allow the GL category conversion to execute properly and this conversion job will just update the DBICICL.