Item Master Load (IC811)

Run Item Master Load (IC811) to import either or both of the following kinds of data from another inventory application to create the Inventory Control database:

  • Item Master data
  • Item Comments data.

You can run IC811 in two modes:

  • Report mode reads the input files and reports any edit errors.
  • Update mode updates the Item Master and Item Comments database files

Processing Effect

How you express your units of measure determines how you prepare input alternate unit of measure data. Two examples explain how the expressions may vary.

Expression 1 - X amount of your stock unit of measure per your alternate unit of measure.

For Expression 1, the alternate unit of measure conversion field must equal the alternate unit of measure multiplier field.

Expression 2 - X amount of your alternate unit of measure per your stock unit of measure. For Expression 2, the result of multiplying the alternate unit of measure conversion field by the alternate unit of measure multiplier field must be 1.