Component Where Used (IC65.1)

Use Component Where Used (IC65.1) to view make-to-order and make-to-stock (also called finished goods) that use a specific component. Kit components are assigned to make-to-order kits in IC60.1 (Kit Assembly). Components are assigned to finished goods in IC62.1 (Finished Goods). Both components and kit items must be defined in IC11.1 (Item Master) before the kit and component relationships can be defined.

To view kit items that use a specific component, you must specify the item group and item component. Also, you can limit the search to a specific company and/or location.

This inquiry lists all kit items associated with a component and includes the company, location, component quantity, sequence number, and stop date.

The sequence number represents the order in which the component was added to the kit assembly. The component quantity is the number of items included in the kit assembly. The stop date indicates when the item component is no longer to be used in the kit.