Stock by Detail (IC42.1)

Use Stock by Detail (IC42.1) to view stock-on-hand quantities by location. These forms let you inquire on Stock by Detail (IC42.1), Stock by Lot (IC42.2), Serial Numbers (IC42.3), and Secondary Detail (IC42.4). All these forms let you choose the unit of measure by which to view quantities, except for IC42.3 (Serial Numbers). If you choose a unit of measure other than the stock unit of measure, this form converts all quantities based on conversion data defined for the item in the IC11.1 (Item Master) UOM form and the number of decimals for quantity defined in the IC11.1 (Item Master) Main form.

Use IC42.1 (Stock by Detail) to view stock detail information. This form displays item bins (if bin tracked), stock-on-hand quantities, lot/sublots (if applicable), lot holds (if any), inspection plus allocated totals, and freeze status (if frozen). Use IC42.2 (Stock by Lot) to view lot detail information and IC42.3 (Serial Numbers) to view serial numbers.

This form displays secondary unit of measure quantities for catch weight items in fractions. For example, if an item's stock-on-hand is 20 ounces, this form displays the secondary unit of measure quantity as 1.4 lbs. Use IC42.4 (Secondary Detail) to view secondary unit of measure quantities in whole numbers.