Global Location Number Listing (IC258)

Use Global Location Number Listing (IC258) to list the GLNs set up in the Lawson system. The data in the report can be sorted by Company, Location, or Vendor. The criteria selected is inclusive, meaning that each element added will increase results.

This is a report output for IC58.3. The report output displays the heirarchy of GLN numbers when the Display Hierarchy flag is set to Yes. When Display Children is set to yes, all GLN records where the specified GLN is the parent will be listed.

GLNs can be assigned to the following records:

  • GL10.1 GL Company
  • IC01.1 Company
  • IC02.1 IC Location
  • PO04.1 Buyer
  • IC15.2 Bins
  • IC14.1 Manufacturer ID
  • RQ01.1 Requesting Location
  • AP10.1 Vendor AP10.2 Vendor Location PO10.1 PO Vendor PO10.2 PO Vendor Location