Unreleased Documents (IC222)

Run Unreleased Documents (IC222) to print a report of unreleased documents for a company. Unreleased documents identify item transactions that have not been released (updated) to the Inventory Control application.

You can optionally print this listing for a specific location, report group, document type or document code. This report prints by location the document code, document type, transaction date/time, general ledger posting date, document total, delivery date, from location (if applicable), and item detail lines.

It is recommended that you run this program prior to closing an inventory period in IC190 (Closing). You must release all transaction documents before you can close an inventory period. You can use IC25.1 (Document Release) to release multiple documents at once.

Another use for this report is for warehouse planning or picking. The report lists items within a document by document type code. Examples include IS (issues) and RC (receipts). Based on the report, the warehouse manager can stage receipts or issues to accommodate warehouse space or resource availability.