Update Variances (IC175)
Run Update Variances (IC175) to update physical inventory counts to the Inventory Control application and print the count variance report.
Processing Effect
This program compares freeze quantities created in IC170 (Freeze Selected Items), with item counts entered in IC72.1 (Counts by Page), IC73.1 (Count Detail), and/or IC74.1 (Random Counts) and creates variance transactions for any variances found. Variance transactions are updated to the General Ledger application when you run IC130 (General Ledger Interface).
More Information
To run this program you must enter the company, select ID, and update option. Item counts are updated to inventory and variance transactions are created for general ledger when you run this program in update mode. Before update, you can run this program in nonupdate mode to print the variance report, then explain variances by reason code in any count entry form (IC72, IC73, or IC74). After update you can only explain variances in IC76.1 (Variance Reasons).
This program also lets you delete freeze records. You must delete freeze records for a select ID before you can use the select ID again for another physical inventory count. When you delete records depends on when you explain variances. If you explain variances prior to update, you can delete records when you run this program in update mode. If you want to explain variances after update, you must select not to delete records in this form and run IC179 (Delete Freeze Records) to delete freeze records after variances are explained.