Vendor Reorder Advice (IC140)

Run Vendor Reorder Advice (IC140) to print a report of replenishment quantities for items with an available quantity that is less than the reorder point.

Processing Effect

Available quantities are shown on this report as supply minus demand. Available quantity is based on current stock-on-hand quantities minus allocated, picked, and backordered quantities plus on-order and intransit quantities. The item's stock unit of measure is used. If the buy unit of measure is different, this program converts the quantity based on the conversion data defined in the IC11.1 (Item Master) UOM form.

This form applies to items which were

  • defined in the IC12.1 (Item Location) Reorder form with the fixed reorder policy (FOP), Reorder Point and
  • assigned the reorder document code for Purchase Order.

If reorder points are not set up, use IC120 (Economic Order Quantity and Reorder Calculation) to calculate reorder points based on annual usage.

You can use an IC140 option to update the PO Interface file. You can update the file with reorder quantity records for items set up for automatic purchasing in IC12.1. If updated, you can use the PO Interface file to create purchase orders in PO100 (Purchase Order Interface from Lawson Applications).

The Vendor Reorder Advice prints items in primary vendor sequence and lists the following: stock unit of measure, reorder point, reorder quantity, buyer code, stock-on-hand, supply minus demand (available quantity), leadtime, reorder percentage, and the automatic purchase order flag.

You can select this report to print for the following: a specific location, report group, inventory class, purchasing class, and primary vendor.

You also have the option to process items that are set up as inactive in IC11.1 (Item Master). With the reorder cutoff percentage, if a vendor has an item to be reordered, this option will include any other items that are within this percentage of reorder point.

To print the same information by buyer code, run IC225 (Inventory Reorder Advice). The Inventory Reorder Advice program is similar to the Vendor Reorder Advice. However, IC225 does not provide the option to update the PO Interface file.

Note: The available quantity is based on the item's stock unit of measure. If the buy unit of measure is different, this form converts the reorder quantity based on the conversion data defined in the IC11.1 (Item Master) UOM form tab.

If the item's buy unit of measure does not evenly divide into the calculated reorder quantity, the order quantity is rounded to the next buy unit of measure. For example, if the reorder quantity is 100, the buy unit of measure is cases and there are 24 items per case, 5 cases are ordered. If the order multiple is greater than one, the next order multiple is ordered.