Employee Listing (HR211)

Run Employee Listing (HR211) to print a list of employee information.

HR211 (Employee Listing) provides three Report Selection options:

  • Select Option 1 to produce a report from the information defined in HR11.1 (Employee) for each employee who meets the report parameters defined on the screen. You can also choose to include employee user fields, alternate rates, and comments on the report.
  • Select Option 2 to produce an employee name and address list using the Home Address fields information in the Address window of HR11.1 for employees who meet the report parameters entered on the screen.
  • Select Option 3 to produce an employee name and address list in a mailing label format (three across, 3 1/2" x 15/16" standard labels). The information in the Home Address fields in the Address window of HR11.1 prints on the labels.
  • Select Option 4 to generate a report of employee tax information defined on Employee US Taxes (HR13.1).