Grant Management (HR11.3)

Use Grant Management (HR11.3) to maintain an employee's Grant Management information.

On HR11.3, you can enable labor distribution, salary encumbrance, and effort reporting for the employee.

  • If you select Yes in the Labor Distribution field, the employee's time records are eligible for labor distribution during Payroll Close (PR197) or Non-Lawson Payroll Transaction Import (GM500). If the Labor Distribution field is set to No, normal payroll distribution occurs.
  • If you select Yes in the Salary Encumbrance field, the employee's labor distribution records are eligible for salary (and optionally, fringe) encumbrances during Salary Encumbrance Processing (GM110). You can enter fringe information to allow for encumbering fringe amounts in addition to salary amounts.
  • If you select Yes in the Effort Reporting field, the employee's time records are eligible for effort distribution during Payroll Close (PR197) or Non-Lawson Payroll Transaction Import (GM500). You must also select an effort currency and identify at least the primary certifier (and, optionally, the secondary certifier) of the effort records.
    Note: The primary and secondary certifiers do not have to belong to the same HR company as the employee.

    If the Effort Reporting field is set to No, effort distributions are not recorded. You can use effort distributions to calculate effort percentages for each employee and effort reporting period on Effort Calculation and Certification Report (GM165).

Processing Effect

Fringe encumbrance rates can be defined on (HR11.3), on Activity (AC10.1), or in a labor distribution detail record.

If fringe encumbrance rates are determined by employee (that is, they use same rate for more than one grant), create a default rate in HR11.3. You can also define a different rate by employee and grant activity or employee and general ledger account in a labor distribution detail line on Labor Distribution Additional Information (GM10.3).

When you run Salary Encumbrance Processing (GM110), enter Yes in the Encumber Fringe field to calculate and create fringe encumbrance transactions based on labor commitment transactions and fringe parameters. GM110 uses the fringe encumbrance overrides rate, account category, and account you entered on GM10.3. If these fields are blank, GM110 uses the encumbrance fringe rate, account category, and account entered on HR11.3.

If fringe encumbrance rates are determined by activity, create an activity fringe encumbrance rate on the grant activity (or one of its parent activities) on the Awards page of (AC10.1). When distribution lines are created on Labor Distribution Entry (GM10.2), fringe encumbrance information AC10.1 defaults in the Fringe Encumbrance Overrides fields of GM10.3. You can change these defaults, but if you do not change them, GM110 uses the defaulted activity fringe encumbrance information.