Grant Summary Report (GM415)

The Grant Summary Report (GM415) is used to view total grant revenue, allocated expenditures, eligible activity commitments, grant budget and remaining budget for Grants (GM15.1). The report also includes general information about the grant, including the project manager, grantor, funding source, program title, CFDA number and any prime grantor. You can sort the report data by grant or the project manager assigned to the grant.

  • Grants that have been set up on GM15.1 are eligible to be included in the report.
  • Use the Grant tab to select the grants for which you want to run the report. You can run GM415 for up to six grants or all grants.
  • Use the Output Options tab to type a date range in the reporting period for the expenditures and request balances to be included on the report. 78 Chapter 7 Reporting and Analysis Grant Billing User Guide
  • When all grants are selected, you also have the option to select a specific funding type, funding code or grant status.
  • Use the Output options tab to select print options, such as include match balances, cash requests and receipts detail, contract activity detail and sort by grant or project manager.