Award Close Report (GM401)

Run Award Close Report (GM401) as the first step in the process of closing an award. Use the Award Close report to review the total budget, total expense, total revenue, total billed, and total open amounts for a grant activity or activities. Use this information to determine if the award is ready to be closed.

On the Main tab select the activity or activities for which you want to run the report. Select an activity group list, an activity group, up to six individual activities, or an activity list. The Activity Level Type defines if posting, summary and contract, or both types of activities are included in the report. You can further narrow down the activities included to up to five specific activity statuses.

On the Other Options tab select a budget, currency, estimated close through date, print attributes and sort order.

Note: The GM401 report and the action of changing an activity's status to Inactive or Purge will not give a warning if the budget is exceeded. Use Award Summary Report (GM400) or Activity Commitment Summary (AC295) reports to see if you are over budget.