Expenditure Allocation Listing (GM290)

Use Expenditure Allocation Listing (GM290) to print a list of allocated expenditure transactions for a grant and all associated multi-fund contracts. GM290 includes the grant, grantor, contract, activity, account category, description, cost amount, requested amount and match amount. The transactions are summarized by grant and pay request cost classification. You can define the print parameters for a specific invoice date range and pay request status (processed, unprocessed, or both).You will also select a print ineligible option to include or exclude ineligible expenditure transactions.

To list information for a specific invoice date range, type that date in the Beginning Invoice Date Range field and leave the Ending Invoice Date field blank. To list information for a range of Invoice dates, type the beginning date in the Beginning Invoice Date field and the ending date in the Ending Invoice Date field. To list all posted transactions, leave the Beginning Invoice Date and the Ending Invoice Date fields blank.