Charges by Sales Type (FR275)
Run Charges by Sales Type (FR275) to print a report for identifying all or selected open charges by sales type (Actual Invoice, Call-In Estimate, or Estimated Invoice). You can run this report to prepare your sales entries for invoicing and closing. For example, you can identify charges that must be closed or released in order to be invoiced later for the cycle. Also, you can identify totals for specific charges to monitor your sales data and make changes, using FR20.1 (Sales Entry) or FR121 (Sales Entry Release) if feasible.
Run this program as often as needed before accrual closing.
You can print a report that lists charges for a single sales type, all sales types, or a combination of sales types. The report prints the applicable charges, listing by sales type under each charge name all individual charge amounts by customer contract along with the total for each charge name.