Compression for Index Definitions

Compression improves performance of I/O intensive workloads because data is stored in fewer pages so queries read less pages from disk. Data Warehouse Designer (DWD) supports both row and page compression for Indexes.

But additional CPU resources are required on the database server to compress and decompress the data.

Modify Index Properties

  1. On the DWD Designer, click the Designers tab..
  2. Right-click a DWD object where indexing is applicable.
  3. Access Detailed Properties > Indexes.
  4. Select an Index from the list where Sort in Compression will be enabled.
  5. Select Type of Compression Levels for the Index.
    (Default value) No Compression
    Row Level Compression
    Page Level Compression
  6. Click OK.
    Note: If Creating or Editing a Comlumnstore Index, Compression Option will be disabled. Columnstore has its own compression configuration.