Editing a profile

This procedure allows you to modify profile properties.

  1. On the launch screen, click Tasks > Add a profile.
  2. You can also select Change Profile or right-click on a profile and select Properties.
  3. Specify these information:
    Server Name
    Specify the SQL server. For high availability setup, provide a valid availability group listener.
    Database Name
    Specify the database name. For high availability setup, provide a valid availability database.

    Change the Enable High Availability Setup to enable or disable this option.

    Select your server authentication in the How to Authenticate option.

    User Name
    For SQL server authentication, specify the login name to access the SQL server. Select Save User Name to save your server access.
    For SQL server authentication, specify the password to access the SQL server. Select Save Password or Save Blank Password to save your server access.
  4. Click the arrow.
    Recompile all objects and recreate ETL jobs after modifying profile properties.