Creating a Fact Table

Perform this procedure to create a fact table in the data mart database.

Create a fact table

  1. On the DWD Designer main menu, click Design > Create a New > Fact Table.
  2. Type a name for the fact table.
  3. Select the fact table composer.
  4. Ensure that the following radio buttons are selected:
    • Fact table

    • Table

  5. Click Column Mapping.
  6. Select the columns you want to include in the fact table. Click OK.
  7. Right-click the fact table you created, then click Fact Table Wizard.
  8. On the Fact Table Wizard window, ensure that the following checkboxes are selected:
    • Verify dimension references and relations

      Categorize Measures

      Click Next.

    • Click Next.

  9. Select the columns for measures.
  10. Ensure that you selected View > Property Options (ETL) > Full Refresh in the Object Properties window.

    Click OK.


    Do not select dimension keys.

    Extra columns are created by the wizard. These columns are used to record data about the fact table and would not be used for measures.

  11. Compile the tables.
    1. Right-click a table, then click Compile.
    2. Click the Start button.