View a compiled model graph

Use the compiled model graph to investigate various aspects of individual objects in the compiled model.

  1. On the DWD Designer, click the Data Warehouse tab.
  2. Expand the Data Warehouse tree to locate the compiled model.
  3. Select the compiled model. DWD opens a graph of the compiled model in the work space.

    The model shows the compiled objects (fact and dimension tables) and the relationships between them.

    To show the graph in list view, click Show ListView at the top of the graph.

  4. You can perform these tasks while viewing the compiled model graph or list view:
    • Move objects in the graph using click-drag-drop on the title of each object.

    • Add or remove dimensions in a dimension table. Right- click the title of the dimension table and select Dimension wizard.

    • Add or remove facts in a fact table. Right-click the title of the fact table and select Fact table wizard.

    • Modify column mapping. Right-click the title of the table and select Modify Columns.

    • Edit fact - dimension relationships. Right-click the title of the table and select Edit relationships from...

    • Create a new catalog component from the modified structure of the compiled model. Right-click the title of the table and select Create from this a new....

    • Recompile the model. Right-click the title of the table and select Recompile.

    • Un-compile the model. Right-click the title of the table and select Un-compile.

    • Check the status of a compiled object. Right-click the title of the table and select Check.

    • List the modification history of a compiled object. Right-click the title of the table and select Even history.

    • Run a job to update the object. Right-click the title of the table and select Execute and select Now or Background.

    • View the statistics if a job execution. Right-click the title of the table and select Statistics.

    • View data in a table. Right-click the title of the table and select Browse data.

    • Delete data from a table. Right-click the title of the table and select Delete data.

    • Duplicate a table. Right-click the title of the table and select Duplicate.

    • Delete a table. Right-click the title of the table and select Delete.

    • Show the properties of a table. Right-click the title of the table and select Properties.