Returned Payment Entry (CB46.1)

Use Returned Payment Entry (CB46.1) to enter returned Cash Ledger payment information.

This form updates the Cash Ledger Returned Payment (CBRETPMT) file, which captures all information to reverse payments from a deposit made in .

If the original deposit was for a rebate, the original deposit rebate information will be copied and reversed from the rebate files.

You can access additional functionality:

  • Click Bank Chrg to access Bank Charges (CB46.5) to enter bank charge, company, account, and activity for the returned payment.
  • Click User Fields to access User Fields (CB46.2) to add information in up to four user-defined fields.
  • Click the asterisk (*) to access More (CB46.3) to add a reference and description to the distribution line.
  • Click Tax to access Tax (CB46.4) to add tax code and taxable amount for the distribution line.