Bill In Advance (BR40.5)

Use Bill In Advance (BR40.5) to create new billing transactions and add them to the invoice being processed. For example, you might add a transaction for airfare, which has been incurred but has not yet been assigned to an activity.

Processing Effect

BR40.5 creates two transactions when you click Add. One transaction is added to the current invoice, while the other transaction is created as an offset transaction. The offset transaction is applied to the actual expense when it is processed later, eliminating double billing.

Bill in advance creates two new unposted Activity Transaction file records for the billing amount; these transactions are posted the next time Activity Posting (AC190) is run.

Transactions created by BR40.5 are not posted to the General Ledger application. They are AC-only transactions.

More Information

Use the Pre-Calc special action to calculate the billable amount before actually creating transactions. This action is useful if you want to enter a bill in advance amount in units rather than the billable amount.

Note: If you cancel an invoice that contains bill in advance transactions, the transactions are not deleted. Instead, the Billed flag is changed from Y to N. You can then manually delete the transactions on AC45.