Compensation History (BN56.1)

Use Compensation History (BN56.1) to track employee compensation amounts and participation hours for defined contribution and defined benefit plans for each plan year. You can also record history for years before you began using the Benefits application.

Processing Effect

Plan years are based on the plan start date in BN15.1 (Benefit Plan). The Benefits application tracks compensation and hours using the compensation pay class in the Vesting Compensation form tab of BN15.1.

PR197 (Payroll Close) updates BN56.1 with current compensation and participation hours for employees enrolled in defined contribution and defined benefit plans.

PR197 uses the date of a payment to determine which plan year is updated.

For 401(k) or 403(b) plans, the plan year compensation is used to determine if the employee has met the maximum compensation limit.

If the employee benefit is a percent of compensation, PR140 (Earnings and Deductions Calculations) stops the employee's contribution when the employee's compensation equals the maximum compensation limit.

If the Company (HR00) field GHR Benefits Company = Yes, and DC Compensation Limits for GHR (BN12.3) is populated with plan information, Compensation History (BN56) is updated for GHR Benefits.