HIPAA Certification Report (BN331)

Run HIPAA Certification Report (BN331) to print a certificate of health insurance coverage to comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Processing Effect

If an individual has a benefit with a stop date and does not have a benefit for the same plan beginning the next date, the application creates a certificate that lists the individual's health insurance coverage for the preceding 18 months. You can create the certificate for employees, dependents, retirees, and COBRA participants.

If an individual has been a retiree or COBRA participant for less than 18 months, the certificate lists coverage for length of time the individual has been a covered as a retiree or COBRA participant. The application then looks for coverage during the time the individual was an employee so that 18 total months of coverage lists if applicable.

If an individual is covered under more than one plan during the 18-month period, each benefit lists separately on one certificate.