Premium Report (BN320)

Run Premium Report (BN320) to print a report of monthly billings.

You can create four kinds of reports with BN320: a premium report, an exception report, a summary report, and a combination of all three. Each report groups premiums by benefit plan. Employees, COBRA participants, and retirees list separately.

The premium report lists premiums for employees, COBRA participants, and retirees who have coverage in effect during the report period. For each person, the list shows: name, date of birth, smoker status, benefit start date, coverage option, monthly employee premium, monthly company premium, and total monthly premium.

The exception report lists all plan participants who started and stopped a benefit during the report period. For each person, the list shows: name, date of birth, smoker status, benefit start date, coverage option or coverage amount, monthly employee premium, monthly company premium, and total monthly premium. Lawson recommends that you run the exception report for the previous period to show all individuals whose benefits were added or stopped since the last time this report was run.

The summary report lists the total number of employees, COBRA participants, and retirees enrolled in benefits during the report period. For each plan, the list shows: number of plan participants covered, the employee premium, the company premium, and the total premium. If the plan's contributions are based on a rate table, the report lists the number of people covered in each age, salary, and years of service range.

In addition, BN320 lets

Processing Effect

To calculate monthly premiums, the application divides the premium or contribution from the employee's benefit record by twelve.