Transaction Purge (AR300)
Run Transaction Purge (AR300) to delete selected records from the Lawson Accounts Receivable system.
The report creates a listing of deleted records for each report option you select. You have the option to copy deleted records to disk. The output file contains the information included on each listing.
Processing effect
If you want to archive records to disk, select Yes in the Archive Records field. AR300 generates a comma-separated value (CSV) file in the $LAWDIR/productline/work/PUREXXX-FILE directory (UNIX) or the /LAWDIR/productline/work/PUREXXX-FILE directory (IBM i) where XXX is the three character file prefix for each file you select for purging. The filename becomes the time (MMDDHHMMSSSS). For example, a file name run on July 28th would be AR300PROD.072812392145