Vendor Conversion (AP510)

Run Vendor Conversion (AP510) to import vendors and alternate vendor locations from a non-Lawson system to the Accounts Payable application.

After you load the appropriate vendor information into the Vendor Conversion file, you can run this form to edit the information for completeness and accuracy. If the information passes all edits, new vendor and alternate vendor location records are created in the Accounts Payable application and the corresponding records are purged from the conversion file.

You can use Vendor Conversion (AP51) to add vendor and location information to the vendor and vendor location conversion files or to maintain information already loaded into these files before you run this form. After the appropriate vendor and location information has been loaded into the conversion files, you can run this form to edit the information for completeness and accuracy, create new vendor and location records in the Accounts Payable application, and purge the corresponding records from the conversion files.

Note that the vendor groups and vendor classes to which the converted vendors are to be assigned must be valid records before you run this form. In addition, you must define the following codes and information as valid records if this information is to be converted as part of the vendor and alternate vendor location records: currency codes, payment terms codes, hold codes, accrual codes, cash codes, payment codes, distribution codes, income codes, income withholding codes, tax codes, and vendor group user-defined fields.

You can maintain vendor records on Vendor (AP10.1) after you convert them.