Accounts Payable Company Purge (AP305)

Run Accounts Payable Company Purge (AP305) to delete an Accounts Payable company and associated information, including process levels, invoices, invoice distributions, split invoice payments, invoice payments, bill of exchange payments, bill of exchange distributions, invoice accrual codes, distribution codes, authority codes, and vendor balance information. The form does not create a report of deleted information. The company must have Delete selected in the Status field on Company (AP00.4).

Use this form to delete a company and associated data created and used for testing purposes, for example. To delete data for a production company, run Invoice and Vendor History Purge (AP300).

This form permanently deletes data. Before you run this form, back up your data according to your company's procedures. Before you submit the report, carefully review the parameters.
You cannot inquire on, report on, or restore the information this form deletes.