Invoice Edit Report (AP220)

Run Invoice Edit Report (AP220) to print a list of the unreleased invoices for a company. You can select a combination of batch, authority code and voucher. All invoices within a batch will be listed together in sort order, all invoices by authority code will be listed by sort order.

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There are two sets of options you can report by, batch and invoice. Select the Batch tab to report on all batches, a range of batches or selected batches. Select the Invoice tab to run the report by authority code or a range of vouchers.

Note: If your company is not set up for invoice batches in AP00.4 (Company) you cannot use any of the report options on the Batch tab. If your company does not require invoice approval in AP00.4 you cannot use any of the options on the Invoice tab.

If your company allows batches and requires invoice approval you can use a combination of options from both tabs. The form will list batch invoices and the invoice approval invoices in two separate reports.