Paid Invoice Activity Update (AP178)

Run Paid Invoice Activity Update (AP178) after running Payment Closing (AP170) to list the transactions affected by the payment status updates. You can list all updates, only payment updates to a Paid status, or only payment updates to a Not Paid status. The list is by Post Thru date or by date range. You can run this form anytime you run AP170. You must run this form at least once per closing period.

To get an update on status changes on activities, it is recommended that you also run AP178 after Invoice Reinstatement (AP190), AP190 with Invoice Cancel (AP30.4), and Distribution Adjustments (AP30.2).

Processing Effect

An Accounts Payable API program is used to pool Invoice Distribution Header records with activities "requiring payment information." The activities check to determine if invoices related to distributions have been paid. If so, the API removes the hold-not-paid status from Activity Transaction records. When AP178 is run, the output reflects the selected transactions and lists those that were modified.