Period Close (AM190)

Run Period Close (AM190) to close a period for all asset books for a company or company group.

Once you run AM190 with the Release option set to Yes, AM190 is irreversible, which is why you should back up the data before running the program.
Do not use this program to close the last period of a short year. Use Short-Year Final Period Close (AM192) instead.

Before you run this program, make sure that the following steps have been performed:

  • You have released all asset records (AM170).
  • You have calculated the current period depreciation (AM180).
  • You have run all the reports to make sure the asset entries are accurate and made any corrections necessary.
  • You have backed up the data (strongly recommended).

You must select either a book or book group, AND either a company or company group.

Run AM190 with the Release option turned to No first to check the results without posting them.

More Information

When you have closed all periods for a given book for a company or company group, run Year End Close (AM195) to close the year.