Transaction Edit (AC45.1)
Use Transaction Edit (AC45.1) to correct, delete or backout activity transactions, including transactions that went to error suspense. Once a transaction is backed out, you can change the Activity and Account Category fields, and any of the transaction attributes. You can also delete transactions assigned to an activity before the transaction is posted. You can not modify, delete or backout transactions that have been billed or recognized for revenue.
If you need to backout multiple transactions related to an activity, consider using Mass Transaction Backout (AC145).
More Information
If you are changing the activity or account category for a transaction, AC45 will apply the change to any related transactions in General Ledger (GL) or Strategic Ledger (SL). However, changes to attributes are not applied to GL and SL.
If you are deleting a transaction and want the related GL and SL transactions to be deleted as well, use the GL Offset button and enter the appropriate offset information. This reverses the original transaction and creates an offset with the provided location. If you do not provide GL Offset information, only the AC transaction is deleted.