Percent Complete Calculation (AC165)

Run Percent Complete Calculation (AC165) to calculate percentage complete for activities. You can measure activity progress by calculating the percentage of budget completed to date. Using Activity Percentage of Completion (AC65.1), you can store the percentage of completion and revise it when actual conditions deviate from the plan. Revising the percentage of completion also revises the completion amount, or cost to complete.

Processing Effect

No means do not use the revenue parameters. Calculate percent complete as an informational measurement of activity progress. When running this program to measure activity progress, enter a posting-level activity. The program calculates percent complete based on the total budgeted amount for the activity compared to actual costs to date.

Yes means use the revenue parameters established on Activity Revenue (AC14.1). Calculate percent complete or gross margin to be used for revenue calculation. When running this program to calculate activity percentage of completion or gross margin, enter the activity for which the revenue established on AC14.1 to determine which method to use for the calculation: percent complete, gross margin, segment, non-segment, account category group, or total costs.

Percent complete is calculated as follows:

Percent Complete % = Cost to Date / Life to Date Budget

Gross Margin is calculated as folows:

Gross Margin % = Gross profit / Contract Amount