Printing Puerto Rico W-2s

After you check the trial run for errors and correct any errors that might have occurred, print your W-2 forms.

Before you print your W-2 forms, it is strongly recommended that you run Year-End Parameter Report (PR227) to verify the parameters that Payroll will use to print W-2s. The W-2 parameters no longer print when you process your W-2s by running PR252, PR297, or PR299. Verifying W-2 parameters

PR252 does not create W-2 forms for employees with negative data. These employees print on the Error report with the message "No W-2 created, negative data exists" and are included in the Detail and Summary Edit reports and the Negative Wage report.

Due to the unique variables of your system (printer, network, printer drivers), it is recommended that you print a small test group of W-2 forms with your particular printer/network configuration before you print the entire group. If you print a small test group of W-2 forms first, you can ensure that you have set all your software and hardware parameters correctly. You must use a third party interface between the application's output and the laser printer. You are responsible for the compatibility with laser form printing. If you use a System I machine, you can set up overrides to print on a laser printer.

Note: If PR252 is populated from a previous run, clear all the fields on the form.

Print Puerto Rico W-2s

  1. Access US Territory W-2 Form Printing (PR252).
  2. Select the company for which you want to run the report.
  3. Select the reporting entity option, and the corresponding process level if applicable, for which you want to run the report.

    Employees are selected based on the reporting entity stored on historical payment records for the year being processed.

    If you select Then PR252
    Process level Creates W-2s for a process level. If you leave this field blank, you MUST select a process level.
    1 = RE Company Creates W-2s for the company as a reporting entity. If you select 1, you MUST leave the Process Level and RE Process Level fields blank.
    2 = RE Process Level Creates W-2s for the selected reporting entity. If you select 2, you MUST also select a reporting entity in the RE Process Level field.
    3 = RE All Creates W-2s for all reporting entities in the company. If you select 3, you MUST leave the Process Level and RE Process Level fields blank.
  4. Specify the reporting year in the Payroll Year field.
  5. Select Puerto Rico in the Territory field.
    Note: PR252 only updates blank PR11.1 records. Use PR127 to clear this field if necessary.
  6. Specify the beginning control number. Select Yes in the Create Control Number field to update Employee Year-End Parameters (PR11.1).

    If PR11.1 is updated in error, you can run Year-End Parameters Copy/Delete (PR127) to delete the field for all employees.

    The employee control number is updated if you select 1 (PR-W-2 Form) in the Report Option field and Yes in the Create Control Number field.

  7. Specify the employer telephone number in the Employer Telephone field on the Options tab.
  8. Select 1 PR W-2 Form in the Report Option field on the Options tab.
  9. To create a CSV file you can use to print W-2s using a third party software, specify a file name in the Filename field.

    It creates a workfile in the directory

    $LAWDIR/print/ username/jobname/stepnbr/filename.

    You can use this file to print W-2s from a third party software. You can also download the file to an Excel spreadsheet where you can total column amounts or check questionable fields.

    The PR252 CSV file layout is found on the Infor Support Portal.

  10. Submit the report to print W-2 forms and create the W-2 CSV file.