Running the 1099-R forms

You must run 1099-R Form Reporting (PR250) to

  • generate a trial run of 1099-R forms to review for errors and correct those errors, and

  • generate the final 1099-R forms and submit a file to a third party for printing.

Do not change the parameters on Year End Parameters (PR27.1) after you run 1099-R Form Reporting (PR250) and before you run 1099-R File Creation (PR251).

Before you process your 1099-R forms, it is recommended that you run Year-End Parameter Report (PR227) to verify the parameters that Payroll will use to process 1099-Rs.

Note: If PR250 is populated from a previous run, clear all the fields on the form.

Run the 1099-R forms

  1. Access 1099-R Form Reporting (PR250).
  2. Select the company for which you want to run the report.
  3. Select the reporting entity option, and the corresponding process level when applicable, for which you want to run the report.
    If you select a Then PR250
    Process level Runs 1099-Rs for a process level. If you leave this field blank, you MUST select a process level.
    Company Runs 1099-Rs for the company as a reporting entity. If you select 1, you MUST leave the Process Level and RE Process Level fields blank.
    Reporting Entity Runs 1099-Rs for the selected reporting entity. If you select 2, you MUST also select a reporting entity in the RE Process Level field.
    All Runs 1099-Rs for all reporting entities in the company. If you select 3, you MUST leave the Process Level and RE Process Level fields blank.
  4. Specify the reporting year in the Payroll Year field.
  5. On the Report Options tab, specify this information:

    Specify a user-defined CSV filename for the output file.

    The file is located at:

    $LAWDIR/print/username/jobname/step /filename

    Form sort

    Select the order of sorting for the forms.

    The program uses the HR11 value at the time of running this program for the option selected along with the Employee Sequence selected.

    Employee Sequence

    Select which sort order the employees are processed in.

  6. Run the report.
    Note: Refer to the appropriate government publication for more information.
  7. Copy the file to tape or use for electronic reporting.
  8. Make a backup copy of the file and place it on the appropriate storage device.

Options for rerunning the 1099-R forms

If you must revise any of the information on the 1099-R forms after you have created the file and sent it to a third party for printing, select the parameters on PR250, including the fields on the Reprint tab and rerun the report.