Using only benefit enrollments (1095-C)

  1. Access ACA IRS Codes Processing (BN990).
  2. On the Selection tab, filter your employee population by Company, Report Entity or Process Level for the specific ACA Regulatory Year.
    Report Option

    Select Report Only to generate a report with ACA IRS Codes. Select Update to create an ACA IRS Codes (BN99.1) record and an ACA Report Entity IRS Codes (BN99.2) record for the employee population.

  3. On the Options tab, specify this information:
    Reporting RE

    Select the employee’s Report Entity. If you select ACA Hours, then run the ACA IRS Summary Hours (BN996) to determine which report entity has the most hours per month for regulatory reporting. If you select HR History, then HR History is used and you will not run BN996.

    Option 1 ACA IRS Codes Processing

    1095 Form

    Select which form to create. If you are running this process for 1095-C, then select 1095-C.

    Hire Date

    Select which date to use for the starting point of the employee's employment. The date is used to determine when an employee is not employed.

    Option 1 ACA IRS Codes Processing

    Code Series 1G

    Does not apply. Automated functionality doesn’t exist when you are running this process for the enrollment only option. 1G can be assigned on the enrollment tab 1095-C Offer Code when you are using a part-time employee group or using BN27.2.

  4. On the Enrollment tab, specify this information:

    When using the Enrollment Only option, only the Offer Code and Safe Harbor Code specified on the job parameters are considered. ACA Employee Information (BN27.2) can be used to update/override Codes by month.

    1095-C Offer Code

    Select the Offer Code that is used for ACA Regulatory Reporting.

    1095-C Employee Cost

    Specify the employee cost that is used for ACA Regulatory Reporting for Offer Codes equal to 1B-1E. If an employee cost is zero, then leave the employee cost field blank and 0.00 is displayed.

    1095-C Safe Harbor Code

    Select the Safe Harbor Code that is used when an employee is enrolled in a Waive plan for ACA Regulatory Reporting.

    Include/Exclude Plan Code

    Select to include or exclude the benefit plans that are specified in the Plan Code fields.

    Plan Code

    Select ACA benefit plans when Include is selected, or non-ACA benefit plan when Exclude is selected.