Run a report of Puerto Rico W-2 forms

  1. Access US Territory W-2 Form Printing (PR252).
  2. Select the company for which you want to run the report.
  3. Select the reporting entity option, and the corresponding process level if applicable, for which you want to run the report.

    Employees are selected based on the reporting entity stored on historical payment records for the year being processed.

    If you select Then
    Process level Payroll creates W-2s for a process level. If you leave this field blank, you MUST select a process level.
    1 = RE Company Payroll creates W-2s for the company as a reporting entity. If you select 1, you MUST leave the Process Level and RE Process Level fields blank.
    2 = RE Process Level Payroll creates W-2s for the selected reporting entity. If you select 2, you MUST also select a reporting entity in the RE Process Level field.
    3 = RE All Payroll creates W-2s for all reporting entities in the company. If you select 3, you MUST leave the Process Level and RE Process Level fields blank.
  4. Specify the reporting year in the Payroll Year field.
  5. Select Puerto Rico in the Territory field.
  6. Specify the employer telephone number in the Employer Telephone field on the Options tab.
  7. Select either Summary Report or Detail Report in the Report Option field on the Options tab.
  8. Select how you want the report to sort in the Sort Option and Employee Sequence fields.
  9. Run the report.
  10. Review the report for errors in wages. Review the error report.
  11. Correct any errors.