Using Echo Call

The use of Echo Call ensures that transactions will have updated tax information for every action done. The flow used for this process is VTX_ECHOCALL. You can perform the EchoCall web service before the TaxAreaLookup and TaxCalculate web services. Echo Call is enabled in these programs:

Program list and trigger

Program Program logic
AP20.2 - Taxed Invoice This will perform Vertex pre-call for Add or Change actions.
AP520 - Invoice Interface This will perform Vertex pre-call for update and non-update job run options.
AR42 - Transaction Header This will perform Vertex pre-call for Add or Change actions.
MA126 - Auto Matching This will perform Vertex pre-call for all match report options.
MA43 - Invoice Line Detail – Purchase Order This will perform Vertex pre-call for match action.
MA540 - Invoice Interface This will perform Vertex pre-call for update and non-update job run options.
PO20 - Purchase Order Entry This will perform Vertex pre-call for Add or Change actions.
PO23 - Purchase Order Worksheet This will perform Vertex pre-call for Add, Change, and Release actions.
PO30 - PO Receiving This will perform Vertex pre-call for Add, Change, and Release actions.
PO100 - Purchase Order Interface from Lawson Applications This will perform Vertex pre-call for every run.
PO520 - Purchase Order Entry from Non-Lawson This will perform Vertex pre-call for update and non-update job run options.
TX140 – Vertex Geocode Update This will perform Vertex pre-call for update and non-update job run options.
TX40 - Tax Inquiry for Vertex This will perform Vertex pre-call for Inquire action.

OE10.1 – Item Speed Entry

OE14.1 – Order Tax Inquiry

This will perform Vertex pre-call for Add or Change actions if transaction is taxable.
OE114 - Ship Immediates This will perform Vertex pre-call for every run.
OE129 - Daily Shipment Journal This will perform Vertex pre-call for Release run option.
BL20.1 - Invoice Entry This will perform Vertex pre-call for Add or Change action if transaction is taxable.
BL29.1 - Batch Control This will perform Vertex pre-call for Release action.
BL120 - Invoice Batch Release This will perform Vertex pre-call for Release run option.
BL122 - Invoice Batch Release This will perform Vertex pre-call for Release run option.
BL520 - Billing Interface This will perform Vertex pre-call for Update and Release run option.

Echo request

This section shows the XML format for the echo request sent to the external Vertex interface.

Executing Web Service Activity CallVertexWS...
output= <soap:Envelope xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns="">
    <VertexEnvelope xmlns="urn:vertexinc:o-series:tps:7:0">
output= <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Header/><soapenv:Body><VertexEnvelope xmlns="urn:vertexinc:o-series:tps:7:0">
output= <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Header/><soapenv:Body><VertexEnvelope xmlns="urn:vertexinc:o-series:tps:7:0">
CallVertexWS_errorCode = 0
CallVertexWS_informationCode = 0
CallVertexWS_returnMessage =
CallVertexWS_outputData = <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Header/><soapenv:Body><VertexEnvelope xmlns="urn:vertexinc:o-series:tps:7:0">
Activity completed