Strategic Ledger Posting (SL190)

Run Strategic Ledger Posting (SL190) to post strategic ledger information based on the parameters defined in SL50.1 (Strategic Ledger).

Note: Before you post information, use SL40.1 (Error Transaction Edit) to verify errors do not exist.

Processing effect

The Strategic Ledger Posting program:

  • creates summarized balances.
  • updates the Strategic Ledger Amounts (SLAMOUNTS) (UNIX/WIndows) or (DBSLSAM) (IBM i) file.

For UNIX/WIndows platforms: SL190 updates the Strategic Ledger Value Validation (SLSLVALUE) for analysis in the OLAP database, the Strategic Ledger Amounts (SLAMOUNTS), and the Strategic Ledger Drill Around (SLDRILL) file. After you run this program, use SL87.1 (Strategic Ledger Data Mart Setup) to report data in the OLAP database.

For IBM i platform: SL190 updates the Strategic Ledger Value Validation (DBSLSLV) for analysis in the OLAP database, the Strategic Ledger Amounts (DBSLSAM), and the Strategic Ledger Drill Around (DBSLSLX) file. After you run this program, use SL87.1 (Strategic Ledger Data Mart Setup) to report data in the OLAP database.

More information

After you post, you can use SL95.1 (Ledger Analysis) to view posted transaction data.