Department Usage Report (RQ230)

Run Department Usage Report (RQ230) to print a report of items issued to the using departments.

Note: If items were issued to requesting locations with Issues (IC21.1), those transactions will not show on the report until General Ledger Interface (IC130) has run.
Note: There is a potential unit cost difference when comparing RQ230 requisition records against IC130 inventory postings for demand shipments from requisitions. This could happen because of the timing of transactions: (a) the time the request is specified and (b) the time the shipment is released. Other inventory item movement can happen in between and updates the inventory cost. The RQ230 report may not be an actual reflection of what GLTRANS has for expense based from IC130 posting.

Processing Effect

The following describes how Department Usage Report (RQ230) functions.

The program selects all documents from the Requisition Transactions file which meet the specified criteria for company, requesting location or report group or requesting location attribute list, last period (period ending date), date range, and item type.

The program sorts the documents by company, requesting location or report group, account number, item type, and date.

For each company, requesting location or report group or requesting location attribute list, and account number, the program:

  • Totals and reports the usage quantity for each item.
  • Multiplies the usage quantity for each item times the average unit cost of the item and reports the extended cost.
  • Summarizes and reports extended cost totals by account.

For each company and requesting location or report group, the program summarizes and reports account totals.

For each company, the program summarizes and reports requisition location or report group totals.

Report Totals (Account Total, Requesting Location Total, Group Total, Company Total) for YTD and Period is the same if From Date range is used because From Date value does not follow day one of current calendar year of the company for the YTD report total computation.