Payment Replacement (PR86.1)

Use Payment Replacement (PR86.1) to replace an existing system payment that has been closed by PR197 (Payroll Close), with a new payment number.

Note: A new replacement payment date replaces the original date in the payment file.

Processing Effect

All payroll history relating to the original payment remains the same with the exception of the payment number. Replacement payment numbers must be previously reserved in PR81.1 (Manual Payment Reservation).

More Information

PR197 is not required to update history after a payment replacement entry because history is not changed, only the associated payment number is changed. When a payment is replaced, the original payment number is voided automatically in PR85.1 (Bank Account Reconciliation) and the new payment number displays.

These reports use the new replacement date: PR155 (Bank Reconciliation) and PR162 (Payment Register)

In PR85.1 (Bank Account Reconciliation), the replacement date becomes the void date of the original payment as well as the payment date of the replacement manual payment. This new date does not affect the date associated with the original payment history.

Payroll history reports such as PR260 (Payment Detail Listing) print the original date. If the original payment history must be associated with a different date, you must void the original payment and issue a manual payment.