Nonstandard Pay and Work Period CSV Load (PR521)

Run Nonstandard Pay and Work Period CSV Load (PR521) to create pay and work periods for nonstandard semi-monthly pay plans (that is, pay plans with two pay periods per month, ending on dates other than the 15th and end of the month).

Note: The input file, PRDLOADCSV, must be SORTED prior to running PR521. If it is not sorted, results may be unpredictable.


Processing Effect

PR521 reads the contents of a previously created comma separated value (CSV) file (PRDLOADCSV). Each record in this file represents a pay or work period for a specified company, pay plan, and effective date.

You can load the entire file or specify one or more pay plans. If you specify pay plans, records for other pay plans in the CSV file will not be processed for that run.

The Add processing option adds the records in the CSV file to the database.

The Delete;Add processing option deletes records from a specified Delete From date forward, and then adds the records in the CSV file to the database. If employees are tied to the pay plan or the pay plan exists on Pay Plan Schedules (PR22), then the Delete From date must be on or after the current system date.

If any one record errors out, NO records are updated for that pay plan and effective date. The record causing the error is printed on an error report, and any records NOT updated are copied to the PRDERRCSV error file. Once you correct the error, you can reload the records. You can run the CSV load as many times as needed.

Select Report Only in the Update Option field to do a test run.

Select Update in the Update Option field to update the database.