Offset Time Record Creation (PR128)

Run Offset Time Record Creation (PR128) to create offset time records.

When you run PR128, the system creates three reports

  • Offset Time Record Creation, which lists the employees, the exception time records, and the offset time records the system created
  • Error Listing, which lists employees and exception time records for which offset time records could not be created due to errors
  • Exception/Offset Time Record Variance Report, which is an optional report that lists employees whose exception and offset time record hours do not balance

Processing Effect

When you run PR128, the Payroll system creates offset time records for employees who have the Auto Time Record field on HR11.1 (Employee) set to Yes, Standard, or Time Group AND who have one or more exception time records. The system creates an offset time record for each exception time record.

Offset time records consist of negative hours that reduce the regular hours produced by auto time records. You want to create offset time records for employees who have too many hours entered into the system due to exception time records. For example, if you have an employee with 40 hours of regular pay generated by auto time records and you enter 16 hours of vacation, the total time for the employee is over by 16 hours. To reduce the total hours for the employee, you run PR128, which creates an offset time record of negative 16 hours.

An exception time record is assigned one of the exception pay codes that you defined on PR28.1 (Exception and Offset Time Record Rules). Use PR28.1 to define the relationships between exception pay codes and offset pay codes. You can define these exception rules by company or employee group. If you define rules by employee group, PR128 looks alphabetically through the employee groups until it finds the first group the employee belongs to. The system uses the exception rules for that employee group to create offset time records for the employee.