PO Buyer Message Listing (PO251)

Run PO Buyer Message Listing (PO251) to print a list of all buyer messages for a company, buyer or buyer group, depending on the values you enter in the parameters.

More Information

You can choose to list open buyer messages (that is, messages that have not been responded to), resolved buyer messages, or all buyer messages. Buyer messages are created for two reasons:

  • The received quantity exceeds the defined tolerance percentage
  • A manual message is created in PO50 (Buyer Message Entry)

Tolerances are defined at three different levels. The three levels in hierarchical order are:

  • The line Tolerance form tab. To open the line Tolerance form tab, access PO20.1 (Purchase Order). Choose the More button and then choose the Tolerance form tab.
  • PO10.1 (PO Vendor)
  • PO01.1 (Company Setup)