Bid Load to Contract or Catalog (PO150)

Run Bid Load to Contract or Catalog (PO150) to load bids to catalog records when prices are from vendor catalogs, or to contracts when prices are based on special, signed agreements with vendors.

Processing Effect

Vendors provide information on what their prices will be for a set of items by responding to a request for quotation (bid) or by sending out a catalog price list. In either case, at some point it is determined that prices should be put in the application to be used for unit cost defaults on purchase orders. It must be determined whether the prices should be loaded as a catalog or contract order lines. If loaded as a catalog, the prices can have an effective date. If loaded as contract lines, the lines can accumulate statistics that show total dollars and quantities ordered. The contract vendor agreement with which the lines are associated can be put on hold and carries an agreement period range.

If loaded as lines to a contract vendor agreement, the lines will be associated with a particular contract, and defaulting of costs to purchase order lines can be done based on a contract number. Reporting can also be done against the contract number showing contract compliance.

More Information

For items where vendors did not provide enough information to create a catalog or contract records, the program report will list the items and errors.

You can update an existing agreement by entering just the agreement reference under Agreement Detail. The expiration date is required when you update an agreement, it is not required when you add a new agreement.