Employee Profile (PA311)

Run Employee Profile (PA311) to print a list of employee profiles.

An employee profile can include information from HR11.1 (Employee), HR13.1 (Dependents), PA12.1 (Emergency Contact), PA14.1 (Military Service), PA15.1 (Medical), PA15.2 (Work Restriction), PA16.1 (Company Property), PA17.1 (Automobile Information), PA18.1 (Travel Information), PA19.1 Prior Work History), PA20.1 (Education), PA21.1 (Competencies), PA22.1 (Certifications), PA24.1 (Relocation), PA25.1 (Employee Benefits), and PA41.1 (Interviews). The profile also can show an employee's action and history.

You can list the entire employee profile or only information from HR11.1 (Employee); and you can list employee profiles for specific employees, groups of employees or employees with specific review dates.