Multiple Positions and Jobs (PA13.1)

Use Multiple Positions and Jobs (PA13.1) to assign up to 98 positions or jobs to an employee.

An employee's Level 1 position is the same as the position assigned on Employee (HR11.1). Changes made to the Level 1 position on PA13.1 automatically update HR11.1.

Note: Changing position information may change employee group membership and assigned resource counts.

Processing Effect

PA13.1 shows "current" positions. A current position is a position that does not have an end date. A position has an end date if the one of the following occurs:

  • the position changes
  • the employee transfers to a new position
  • the employee is terminated

A future end date means that the position will not appear on PA13.1. To view all positions (current and past), use Position History (PA13.2).

If you use the Action tab, changes will be added to the personnel action history.

If you use position codes, some position information may default.