Ledger Report Currency Rebuild (ML327)

Run Ledger Report Currency Rebuild (ML327) to rebuild corrupt report currency and transaction currency amounts. This program recalculates the amounts stored in the Multi-Book Ledger Currency Amount (MLCUAMOUNT) (UNIX/Windows) or (DBMLMCA) (IBM i) file.

Note: For UNIX/Windows platforms: If the MLAMOUNTS or MLUNITS file contains corrupt balances, you must run Ledger AMOUNTS, UNITS Rebuild (ML325) to rebuild the MLAMOUNTS and MLUNITS files before you run this program.
Note: For IBM i platform: If the DBMLMLA or DBMLMLU file contains corrupt balances, you must run Ledger AMOUNTS, UNITS Rebuild (ML325) to rebuild the DBMLMLA and DBMLMLU files before you run this program.

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Use the Rebuild Option field to indicate whether you want to update periods (U - Update Period Balance), recalculate the current year beginning balance (C - Calc Beg Bal), or just run a report to identify accounts that contain errors (R - Calc Beg Bal - Report Only). If you select C (Calc Beg Bal), the program rebuilds last years period balances to calculate the correct current year beginning balance.

After you run this report, you must run Ledger Undistributed RE Rebuild (ML330) to rebuild retained earnings, and Ledger Consolidation File Creation (ML320) to rebuild the consolidation file (MLCONSOL) (UNIX/WIndows) or (DBMLMCN) (IBM i).