Importing forecast demand

You can import forecast demand from a non-Lawson forecasting system. Importing demand from a forecasting system ensures that expected demand will be satisfied. The demand is imported to the Production Order application in a comma-separated value (CSV) file by running a batch program.

See Production Order demand for more details.

Use the this procedure to import forecast demands from an external source.

Import forecast demand

  1. Create the input file of forecast demand records in a comma separated value (CSV) file format. Information required in the CSV file for each Production Order forecast demand record to create is: company, location, finished good item identifier, quantity, need by date. For more information, see the Production Order File Layouts.
  2. Access Forecast Demand Interface (WO510).
  3. Run this program to import quantities from the CSV file. Specify this information:

    Select a company number defined on Company (IC01.1).


    Select a valid stock location as defined on Location (IC02.1). It is also the production facility where finished goods are produced for work orders.

    Date Needed – or –Plus Number Days

    Type the expected date needed for the finished good.

    – or –

    This field is an alternative to the Date Needed field. Type the number of working days from the current system date that the finished good is needed.

    Note: You can type a date the finished good is needed in the Date Needed field or the Plus Number Days field, but not both. If you type a date in both fields, the application uses the Date Needed field.
    Impact on Forecast Demand

    Select the option that you want to use for the impact on existing Production Order forecast demand when you are trying to load new forecast demand for a finished good on a need by date and forecast demand record already exists.

    • Replace will replace the existing quantity with the imported quantity.

    • Add to Quantity will add the imported quantity to the existing forecast demand quantity.

    • No Update will not replace or add to the quantity if a forecast demand already exists.

    Interface File Name

    Type the name of the input file that contains the input for updating forecast demand. If left blank, the default name is WO510WK.

    The program expects the file to reside in the directory $LAWDIR/ productline /interface for UNIX and in the directory %LAWDIR%\ productline \interface for Windows.

    The program expects the file to reside in the directory /LAWDIR/productline /interface for IBM i.


    Select Yes if you want to release the forecast demand records after they are created, or select No to leave them in an unreleased status.

  4. After you run the program, the demand displays on Forecast Demand (WO10.1) with an Unreleased status. Access Forecast Demand (WO10.1) to release forecast demand for scheduling.
  5. Select the Change form action and the Release line action to release the demand.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List document and forecast demand for finished goods at a production facility Schedule Planning Report (WO220)