Scheduling production in batches

Production scheduling lets you consolidate demand for the same finished good to optimize production. You schedule production based on when the goods are needed or on the production start date. The two methods for scheduling production are online and batch.

The program Batch Work Order Creation (WO120) is used to schedule production in batches. With WO120, you can list document and forecast demand for finished goods for a production facility. This report can be run for one item or for all finished goods. The periods in which demand is reported are specified when you run the report. This report can be run based on the date needed, or the latest start date for production. Individual document demand records can be listed in detail or summarized. Forecast demand is reported in summary.

See Work orders and How do I schedule production? for more details.

Schedule production in batches

  1. Access Batch Work Order Creation (WO120).
  2. Select the Main tab to enter scheduling parameters. Specify this information:
    Date Used

    This is the date used for the work order scheduling process. Choose either the Date Needed or the Production Start Date to determine what scheduling period includes specific demand.

    Through Date - or - Plus Number Days

    Type the date through which the application will build work orders. You can select either the Through Date or the Plus Number Days field, but not both.

    – or –

    Type the number of working days to be added to the current date to determine the date through which the work orders will be built.

    You can select either this field or the Through Date field, but not both.

    Firm Allocation

    Select whether or not the finished good gets allocated to the originating source document demand when a work order is being created for one sales order, requisition, or work order (separate work order per demand). If you select Yes, it allows an order, requisition, or work order after production feedback, to continue processing without having to allocate the finished good to the source document. If the field is set to No, the finished good needs to be allocated later.

    This option also marks the allocation as firm allocation, meaning that batch allocation cannot deallocate quantities from this finished good demand.

    Work Order Status

    Select the requested status of work orders created from the production scheduling process. Work orders can be created as Unreleased, Released, Exploded, or In Production. You can also choose to default the status from the Work Order tab on Location (IC02.1). Maintaining work orders

    Production Dates– or –Plus Number Days

    Type the production start date to default to the first work order created from the selection or release process of production scheduling.

    Type the number of working days from the current date to default to the first work order created from the selection or release process of production scheduling.

    You can type either a production date range or a plus number of days, but not both.

    Work Order Per Demand

    Select whether you want to group demands for the same item on one work order or create a separate work order for each demand. If you create separate work orders, the application links the work order to the specific customer order or requisition that was entered in the Order Entry or Requisitions application.

    Capacity Impact

    Select how you create work orders; multiple work orders with the same production dates, multiple work orders with incremented production dates, or single work orders to capacity.

    Note: If an individual demand exceeds capacity, multiple work orders will be created regardless of the setting in this field.
    Work Order

    Select the work order. This identifies the work order that will be assigned to the first work order created from a selection/release process of production scheduling. This field is required if work order numbers are manually assigned for the production facility.

    Do not type a value in this field if work order numbers are automatically assigned for the production facility.

  3. Select the Items tab to select finished goods to be scheduled for production. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select the finished good to be scheduled (up to 18 items).

    Item List

    Item List is used as a selection parameter to build a list of items.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
Inquire on which finished goods need to be produced for a location Finished Goods to Produce (WO82.1)