Defining user analysis relations

A user analysis relation is an optional feature that lets you define valid user analysis value combinations that are available for transactions. This procedure will detail how to define user analysis relations.

  1. Access User Analysis Value Relations (SL02.1).
  2. Click New Relations to open Define User Analysis Relation (SL02.2).
  3. Select the user analysis group that you will associate with the relation.
  4. Specify a name that identifies the relation and description.
  5. Add the relation and close this form to display SL02.1.
    Note: The names of the user analyses in the group that you selected are displayed left to right in the order that they appear on User Analysis Group (SL01.1).
  6. Select the class assigned to the user analysis value that you will include in the relation. You can set up as many class relationships as needed. You can leave one or more classes in a row as blank.

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To Use
List user analysis value relation information Relation Listing (SL202)