Defining a report
When you define a report, you create a shell that pulls together several independent components such as the format and row to create a meaningful report. When you define a report, you also indicate which folder and process group is used to store and organize report information. Report Writer (RW00.1) is the central point to select your report style and combine the necessary row and format parameters to complete a report. Use this procedure to define a report.
When processing multiple companies on a single report, the companies must have the same structure and chart of accounts.
Before defining a report, you must complete the required setup. SeeSetting up Report Writer. You should also plan out what information you want in the report and how you want it to look before you define it.
Options related to defining a report
If you are distributing reports to multiple users, then you can define report distribution options on the Distribution tab. See Distributing a report.
You can assign multiple formats to a report on the Format tab. Use multiple formats when you want to include different types of information in a single column. See Assigning multiple formats.